cartoon of kids cookingA Fun and Educational Experience with Coeur de Xocolat

What to Expect in Our Workshops

Engaging Role Play and Practical Sessions

Role Play Activities: Children will participate in fun and educational role-playing activities that bring the story of chocolate to life.

-Hands-On Chocolate Making: Two practical chocolate exercises  where children will:

  - Create a chocolate lollipop with an edible pattern.

  - learn to taste chocolate using all their senses.

Learn About Chocolate

- From Tree to Treat:

Discover what chocolate is made from and trace its journey from the fruit of the cocoa tree to the sweet treats we enjoy.

- Chocolate History:

Learn about the origins of chocolate and its transformation from a cold, spicy drink to the delicious confectionery we know today.

- Health Aspects: Understand whether chocolate is good or bad for them and learn about the importance of moderation.

Interactive Learning Tools

- Cocoa Pods and Beans: Children will get to see and touch real cocoa pods and beans, and even taste a little bit of cocoa nib (the inside of the cocoa bean).

- Proprietary Teaching Models: We use models developed over many years to reinforce key points and help with learning retention. 

More Than Chocolate!

Our workshops bring the topic of chocolate to life, ensuring children have a memorable learning experience. Children love learning when they're having fun, so we make sure they do. Here’s what sets our workshops apart:

- Real Cocoa Products: Experience real cocoa pods, beans, and nibs.

- Health Education: Teach children about the health aspects of chocolate in an age-appropriate way.

- Interactive and Engaging: Constantly ask questions to recap and reinforce learning.

Session Details

- Duration: full day

- Location: We come to your school or venue

- Price: [Price on Application]

- Inclusions: All ingredients and materials, take-home chocolate creations, and educational materials.

Book Your Workshop Today!

Our workshops are popular and spaces are limited, so book now to secure a spot for your class. Whether you’re looking to enhance your curriculum, provide a special treat for your students, or just offer a unique and educational experience, our Key Stage 1 Chocolate Workshop is the perfect choice.

For any queries or special requests, feel free to contact us at +44 (0) 7595 623437

We can’t wait to share the joy and knowledge of chocolate with your students!

Request a Quote

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