I am often asked "What is mindful eating?"
Well I think mindful eating or drinking is an approach to drinks that focuses on individuals' sensual awareness of the drink, environment and their experience of it.
Being more mindful of the foods and liquids we drink can aid better digestion, keep us feeling fuller for longer with less food, and can promote wiser choices about what and when we eat and drink.
It can also help us free ourselves from any unhealthy or bad habits we may have developed around drinking and eating and it’s just a nice calming thing to do just to BE!
We know the Mayans use Cocoa (Xocolat) in elaborate ceremonies to their gods also that Catholic nuns used it to sustain them through long hours of prayer, and there are many groups that regularly hold cocoa ceremonies,
Research shows that mindfulness-based practices can help:
Reduce stress
Lower blood pressure
Improve sleep
So why not try its claming power for yourself here my guide.
STEP 1: Mis en place (to put in place)
At the stove make your hot chocolate, stirring slowly and breathing in the aromas.
Pre warm your favourite mug and pour in the hot chocolaty drink let it cool a little, while you find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit or kneel somewhere your unlikely to be disturbed.
Take a few gentle breaths in and out, allowing yourself to settle and calm down, just for a couple of minutes.
Pick up the mug and wrap your hands around it, and hug, feel its warmth spread from your hands to your arms. Sit for a minute, enjoying the soothing heat and the connection with your hands.
Now looking closer at the drink. What colours can you see on the surface or maybe you notice a difference where the light hits it? you may see a change where the chocolate has splashed up the side of your mug or the milk fats floating and making a rainbow on top of your drink.
Listen to your enviroment to the sounds around you, nature, the clock ticking your heart beat try to relax and try to slow down your breathing.
Now Lift the mug up to your mouth but don’t drink, just gently inhale the rich chocolate aromas - what can you smell?
How does it make you feel?
Can you smell the colours you saw?
Breathe out slowly enjoying all the differnt aromas of your hot chocolate.
Take several big deep inhale in through your nose and out through your mouth slowly breathe cooling your drink.
Does it bring back any happy memories?
When your ready lift the mug to your lips and slowly take a sip, moving the chocolate around your mouth coating all you tounge.
Can you feel the warmth of the hot chocolate in your mouth?
Let the drink slip down your throat, can you feel it moving through your throat to your chest and down into your stomach making your whole body warm?
Notice the new flavours flavours and how it feels.
Roll it over your tongue and taste – is it sweet, salty, sour, bitter or even umami and rather than rushing on to the next mouthful, pause. You might notice the feeling of the warmth into your chest or just ‘check in’ with how you’re feeling.
Taking your time, repeat this slowly, noting each mouthful. Take a little break between each sip and notice how you are at the particular moment, trying not to judge whatever comes up if you can remember its your palette.
Finish with one final gentle deep chocolatey breath, really allowing all the chocolate aromas and sensations to flow down and fill your body, try to take your hot chocolate calmness on into the rest of your day…
Try our How to eat chocolate mindfully exercise click here
If you would like a speaker to come to you to introduce Mindfulness, Meditation the practice and technique to your staff and students then please contact us.